You are the Modern Dragon!
Work Process
Dictation | Several authors work at different work stations with speech recognition and dictate directly into the target application (e.g. MS Word). The text shows up live on the screen. Audio recordings with dictation device or smartphone or PC-based recorder can be transferred to the automatic background recognition or passed on for transcription. |
Transcription | Corrections can be done during dictation by the author or afterwards by a typist |

Your benefits at a glance
The comprehensive “no-worries” package
The fully automatic background speech recognition is the icing on the cake of the comprehensive “no worries” package for authors and typists: you only speak – the dictation system does the rest.
Simple correction completely without Dragon .. and the vocabulary keeps up
Your typists do not need speech recognition.
Controlled by footpedal corrections are carried out by simple overtyping – text and audio stay always linked together.
dns.comfort monitors the extension of the vocabulary through the corrected texts in the background.
This way your typists can completely focus on their actual work.
SpeechLock® & SpeechFocus not only for radiology, expert report and research..
Do you use other applications whilst dictating? SpeechLock® ensures that everything you dictate ends up in the correct window, independent of which application you actually use.
With SpeechFocus you keep the overview. When using SpeechLock® together with Microsoft Word marked text and cursor are continuously highlighted in colour. This way you always know, whether text has been marked and where dictated word have been inserted.
Practical details ensure intuitive handling
The backup-administration allows restoring of the Dragon-profile within a few seconds.
Shortcuts for different Dragon-profiles or the optional Single SignOn ensure a one-click start from the desktop.
An integrated command and word list can be maintained outside Dragon Naturally Speaking.
Important Dragon-options can be configured centrally as easy as pie.
Your dictation is safe!
The SonicPad® offers continuous auto-save of your dictation and a correction by overtyping without loss of the associated audio data. This way no dictation is lost anymore. The SonicPad® allows you flexible and fast working on draft modus in your dictation system.
The dns.comfort-workflow recorder auto-saves your dictation permanently on the hard disk and no audio is lost. The recorder handles drafts effortlessly, too.
Dictation from a dictation device are additionally saved in a backup-directory during import into the dns.comfort-workflow. A reassuring feeling – if a dictation happens to be deleted from the workflow accidentally.
The dictation system uses the collective knowledge for the individual
All authors within a pool learn jointly whilst dictating and swap automatically new and deleted words as well as new and deleted commands. Existing profiles can be either automatically or manually transfer onto new users (user groups). The preliminary word list allows control over by speech recognition newly learned words before transfer to the vocabulary.
Dragon weapons well sheltered
With our workflow in-built central dictation device administration many configurations such as author(s), lists and security settings as well as firmware updates can be easily defined and distributed. The transfer onto the dictation device happens as soon as the user connects it with the PC.
A safe dragon’s lair with lots of space
Our offers a compact space-saving format for central dictation repository. Author-dependent encryption makes the dragon’s lair also to a safe home.
Controlled dragon power
The separately activatable statistics module provides you with a overview. This way you can continuously optimise process or you can easily settle with external support.
Intelligent Integration
With the optional integration into patient administration and legal client systems case specific dictations are possible by the press of a button.
As medical professional you can dictate all data that needs to be recorded – like medical history, diagnostic findings or therapy plan – in one step. dns.comfort transfers the recorded data automatically into the corresponding categories of the associated patient file – whether you correct yourself or the dictation is transferred to a typist for further processing.
In addition we offer PerfectMatch®-specialist vocabularies, which can be customized according to your specific needs.
Clever solutions make a healthy dragon
New and deleted words can be checked locally or centrally at the end of each session. This way only the words that should end up in the vocabulary – an important building block for permanently good recognition accuracy.
The invisibly run command and word list creates next to your vocabulary a basis, which provides your speech recognition with new and deleted commands and words, even after a version change of Dragon NaturallySpeaking or the creation of a new profile.
Easy control makes dns.comfort tool of choice
With professional dictation hardware (various microphones, footpedals and dictation devices, e.g. Philips SpeechMike and DPM, Grundig DigtaMic, Olympus DS-series) you can control Dragon as easily as you can record your dictation with a dictation device or a smartphone.
dns.comfort reigns the Dragon in
With StreamControl audio data are optimized so that speech recognition only registers the part of the dictation that is meant for the Dragon. Everything you discuss with your pationt after pressing the stop button on your dictation microphone will be ignored.
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